
A Submissions Management Platform To Plan, And Run Your Call for Entries

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for organizations of all sizes

Call for Entries Platform for the Arts

Art Organizations

Exciting Features for Art Organizations, Museums, and Galleries. Designed for art calls of all sizes. Equally effective for artist calls with fewer than 100 entrants and artist calls with 1000s of participants.

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Manage Portfolio Reviews with SubmitArts

Art Educators, Portfolio Reviews

Novel Features for Sharing and Teaching - Review submissions while providing feedback, and add instructional assets to create new opportunities for your educational programs and to offer more to participants.

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Launch a Call for Papers with SubmitArts

Member Organizations, Call For Papers

Exclusive Features for Member Organizations, Associations and Non-Profits to Manage Call For Papers and Conference Proposal Submissions.

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Deploy a Call for Entries Quickly with SubmitArts

SubmitArts is a Managed Service

The Service Includes a Point of Contact to Get You Up and Running Quickly

Rich Media Call for Entries with Submitarts

Receive Media Rich Content

Image Uploads, Supports Multiple Views, Supports Video, Audio and Data From Custom Forms

Design your Call for Entries Pricing Model with SubmitArts

You Decide - Free or Fee-Based Submissions

Freedom to Offer a Fee Schedule that Meets Your Business Goals

View, Critique, Judge, Engage and Select

SubmitArts Efficient and Flexible Judging Module Uses a Powerful and Intuitive Interface

  • Invite any number of Jurors, each with their own credentials and permissions
  • Tag, score, annotate, and organize submissions in one or multiple rounds
  • Jurors review and score work as a "Body of Work" or per item
  • Use the juror hub for collective decision making - ideal for final review sessions and more...
  • Let expert panels, mentors and instructors add valuable feedback and information to submissions.
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Flexible Judging Models for your Art Calls with SubmitArts

Search / Report / Create

Powerful Features to Manage Submission Data and do More with your Entries

  • Build custom search queries and save them for future use
  • Use search results to communicate, report and/or export submission data
  • Create reports on-the-fly
  • Export data and download the results as a website that you can view from your computer
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Generate Call for Entries Reports with SubmitArts

Inspect Submissions and Activity

Extensive Tools for Administrators and Staff

  • Dashboard to monitor activity and trends
  • Workflow panel to inspect and approve submissions for review
  • Assign staff permissions
  • Communicate with applicants, jurors and team members as a group or individually
  • Monitor payments and service usage
  • Download submission content on-the-fly
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Inmersive Call for Entries Reviews with SubmitArts

Showcase your Call for Entries submissions

Showcase your Call for Entries Submissions with SubmitArts

Use your submissions to create searchable online showcases, public engagement sites, educational websites, online portfolio reviews, and more...

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Boost your reach with a listing on callforentries.com

Promote your Call for Entries with SubmitArts and the C4E Directory

If your organization runs art related call for entries, you can opt to reach thousands of art related potential entrants via our C4E monthly newsletter, targeted emails, social media, and the C4E art calls opportunity directory

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