

A Better Way to Review Submissions

Design Submission Judging Criteria For One Juror or a Panel of Jurors

Create customized judging criteria for one juror or a panel of jurors.  Best of all, SubmitArts trains jurors so that you do not have to.

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Call for Entries Platform For One Juror or a Panel of Jurors

Organize, Divide and Share Submissions Among Your Team of Reviewers

Submissions are organized based on judging status allowing jurors to move through large bodies of submissions with ease. In addition, you can create rounds and assign submissions to one or multiple jurors.

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SubmitArts lets you manage call for entries submissions with ease

Detailed and Immersive Submission Views

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Get a close up look at applicants' submissions by letting them add multiple views of their work. Enable jurors to access and review form data, images, videos, sound, and PDFs, facilitating the examination of materials.

SubmitArts Provides Inmersive Judging Screens for your Call for Entries

Tools to Build Juror Consensus and Communication

Allow administrators and jurors to view all juror selections scores and comments in a group view. The group view is perfect to make final decisions as a group or via online conference sessions.

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SubmitArts Juror Panel for Call for Entries

SubmitArts for Education

Instead of a panel of jurors you may have a mentor or a panel of educators and reviewers that can add a number of contributions to their selections, including file attachments, links, comments, sequence suggestions, testimonials and more.

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Turn a Call for Entries into an Educational Opportunity with SubmitArts
Flexible Voting Round Management to Better Evaluate your Submissions

Round Management

Run as many rounds as your organization needs

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Create Custom Judging Criteria for your Call for Entries

Custom Judging Criteria

Create a judging criteria to match your selection preferences and juror skills

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Call for Entries and Learning Opportunities with SubmitArts

Feedback, Critiques and More

Submitting work for review is the beginning of a custom learning experience

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Start Your Own Call for Entry with SubmitArts Today

Receive Call for Entries Submissions Easily


  • The SubmitArts team is fast, agile, and affordable. Your professional call for entries can be ready to accept submissions quickly
  • We have years of experience promoting art contests, artist residencies, photo contests, and more. If a match, our team can help you advertise in one or more of our proven art channels.
  • Review your call setup and START Receiving Submissions


  • SubmitArts staff will get your team up to speed using the submission inspection and judging modules.
  • Run one or more rounds using your selection criteria
  • Select Finalists
  • Designate award recipients, honorable mentions and more using our Juror Hub


  • Announce Award Recipients
  • If a match, work with SubmitArts to offer additional awards using SubmitArts Sponsored Art Awards
  • Publish a branded searchable showcase site with your curated selections and award recipients
  • Request a demo to find out how our team can help you meet your call for entries goals


Kodexio, the company behind SubmitArts, works with thousands of clients worldwide. We are known for our popular media rich services and superior USA based support. We do our best to respond to inquiries within 24 hours (M-F excluding holidays.)

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